Legal notice
Headquarters : 8 Rue de Gouaix - 89530 ST BRIS LE VINEUX
Phone : 03 86 53 32 15
Fax : 03 86 53 64 22
Email : contact@grivot-goisot.com
Publication director : GOISOT Anne et Arnaud
trade register n° : Auxerre D 316 016 948
SIREN : 316 016 948 00010
Share capital : 280 500,00 €
Intra-community VAT : FR16316016948
Made by :
53 rue Albert Camus
58000 Nevers
Phone : 03 86 71 60 50
Hosting : www.ovh.com
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Domaine GRIVOT-GOISOT undertakes to make its best efforts to allow users access to the site at all times. However, Domaine GRIVOT-GOISOT cannot be held responsible in the event of unavailability of the site, for any reason whatsoever.
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The personal data that we may collect is intended exclusively for Domaine GRIVOT-GOISOT and the organizations that are contractually bound to it.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you, by contacting Domaine GRIVOT-GOISOT
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Domaine GRIVOT-GOISOT is the sole owner of the logotypes, copyrights and other intellectual and industrial property rights used on its site.
Any unauthorized use of all or part of these rights by third parties is likely to give rise to legal proceedings.
This site is produced by DirectWeb and published by Domaine GRIVOT-GOISOT
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